How to Tap Into One of the


Real Estate Marketing Agency

(Full Breakdown of $150k/months)


Learn Leads is for anyone serious about starting an online business, as fast as humanly possible while retaining massive profit margins and customer success

We typically work with people who are having these problems:

You're A Course Addict:

You know making money online is possible, however you're spinning your wheels by watching courses - but getting nowhere. You haven't nailed down what exactly you should be doing, and probably don't think you're qualified enough to start an online business.

Sick Of 'Dropshipping':

You're wanting a simple way to start an online business that doesn't require shipping poor-quality products, dealing with saturation around the next online product fad, and the extremely low 10-20% profit margins that come with it.

Stuck On "Agencies":

You've heard of SMMA's (Social Media Marketing Agencies) - most people start one in the eCommerce niche. You don't want to deal with constantly creating videos & content for clients, nor having to compete against the "big players" that have taken over the market since 2018.

Wanting To Give Real Value

Business is just helping others get value. That's it. You're tired of falling into "get-rich-quick" scheme schemes that benefit no-one. You want to develop sought-after skills that can give you & someone else an ROI.

Limiting Mentality & Beliefs:

At your age you know you should be doing something - and you might even know the steps - however you lack the accountability and confidence to take action. You're probably feeling like it's now time to take some action.

You're Using YouTube As "Business Advice":

Look, I love a good YouTube video as much as the next guy, but you can't use these general videos to solve your specific problems. You've likely realised that you need actionable steps for the current situation you're at - and from someone who has been there.







"Within the week, I had 4-5 discovery calls... I landed my first 'big' client; over $4,000/month as a retainer - it was such a revelation" - Lievin N.

Custom Game-Plan Call:

Within 48 hours of joining you'll be on a one-on-one with us - where we will create a personalised game-plan to get your first real estate client (no matter your experience!). You'll receive ongoing accountability & action steps, catered to you. This is the secret to starting your own lead generation agency as fast as possible.

Access To A Direct Messenger:

You'll be invited to a private messenger channel on Slack for you and any business partners, where we are there to greet you and answer any questions you have within just a few hours, 5 days a week.

Pre-Sale Framework System:

Instead of getting stuck at the very start, we show you exactly how to get testimonial clients and deliver the service. This is our specialty and will require minimum work on your end to get going; most frameworks are actioned within days of joining.

Access To Our Calendars:

This is part of the secret sauce. You can book a one-on-one at any time with our team to get an immediate and custom solution to your problem. You'll get action steps & all your questions answered - no more 'group calls'.

Scripts That Just Work:

Figuring out what to say (and when to say it) is tough. You'll receive all of my scripts covering conversations, DM's, emails, phone calls, Zoom calls and everything that landed clients when I had introvertedly started my lead generation agency.

Our "Lead Gen Masterclass"

Producing leads for your client is one of the most important factors, but nobody seems to treat it as such. I'm going to give you multiple "fill-in-the-blank" copywriting frameworks that can turn your clients' adverts into lead generating machines.

Free Software Access:

We'll give you all the tools to succeed. Our CRM software has been custom-built and can automate the manual tasks in running an agency - so you can build a system that works for you 24/7.


My Real Estate Marketing Agency - $0 - $150k/Month Within 10 Months

"As soon as I started focusing on this agency, I went from $0 - $7,500+ in the first 30 days" - Daniel Galea

Background: I tried every program on the market, and none had been specific enough to answer my questions

I grew up loving real estate and decided to give it a go in the agency space

Like many of my coaching clients, I wanted fast growth and more profit

I didn't want to start a normal 'agency' like other people (i.e. in eCommerce)

I wanted something that I could build authority in, and in something that hasn't been saturated

Within the first 30 days of starting, I had 3 testimonials and a consistent $7,500/month pipeline secured

In one month I was out-earning my 9-5 job

The Process: I noticed that real estate agents had no knowledge on how to advertise

They're still clicking the "Boost" button online

Imagine if an eCommerce brand did this... They wouldn't last a day

They should be running adverts with correct targeting and better imagery

As soon as I Saw this, I realised there was a huge gap in the market

They need new clients (i.e. 'leads'), and 99% of real estate agents post the same thing;

"Just sold" signs, putting their faces on billboards and doing letterbox drops

All real estate agents (and all businesses) need leads to function

Yet how were they going to get ahead by all doing the same thing?

I took little parts from all kinds of lead generation industries, made it better and applied it specifically to real estate

This included more interesting adverts, and a way which allows agents to convert leads into sales

I instantly had real estate agents wanting to try out my new method

The biggest realisation was that I could copy all of my work between clients

The adverts that worked for one client, could would for an agent on the other side of the country

I then automated the whole thing

Meaning; setting up each client only took 30 minutes

Plus, I only needed to check in on clients once every few weeks

This is how I scaled to over $150,000/month - and how my students are on a path to do the same

The Results: Within the same month I started the business, I had scaled to over $7,500/month and created consistent $150,000/months later on. Once the entire process was on auto-pilot, I got a manager in on equity to manage the mundane tasks - while I guide the ship in the right direction and collect payments from it.

This business is the reason behind where I am today.


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