In one month I was out-earning my 9-5 job
The Process: I noticed that real estate agents had no knowledge on how to advertise
They're still clicking the "Boost" button online
Imagine if an eCommerce brand did this... They wouldn't last a day
They should be running adverts with correct targeting and better imagery
As soon as I Saw this, I realised there was a huge gap in the market
They need new clients (i.e. 'leads'), and 99% of real estate agents post the same thing;
"Just sold" signs, putting their faces on billboards and doing letterbox drops
All real estate agents (and all businesses) need leads to function
Yet how were they going to get ahead by all doing the same thing?
I took little parts from all kinds of lead generation industries, made it better and applied it specifically to real estate
This included more interesting adverts, and a way which allows agents to convert leads into sales
I instantly had real estate agents wanting to try out my new method
The biggest realisation was that I could copy all of my work between clients
The adverts that worked for one client, could would for an agent on the other side of the country
I then automated the whole thing
Meaning; setting up each client only took 30 minutes
Plus, I only needed to check in on clients once every few weeks
This is how I scaled to over $150,000/month - and how my students are on a path to do the same
The Results: Within the same month I started the business, I had scaled to over $7,500/month and created consistent $150,000/months later on. Once the entire process was on auto-pilot, I got a manager in on equity to manage the mundane tasks - while I guide the ship in the right direction and collect payments from it.
This business is the reason behind where I am today.